Look Good, Do Good: Color by Amber


My leopard skinny bangle!

Sustainable jewelry brand Color by Amber boasts incredibly cute, unique pieces and does good in so many ways.  In addition to being a carbon neutral, zero waste company (yeah, you read that right, nada, zip, zilch), CBA also supports women, villages, and families in the developing world.

CBA’s signature pieces are made with printed materials, called “interlayers,” encased in resin made in part with plastic from recycled milk jugs.  The interlayers are either made in countries around the world by primarily female artisans, or from fabric that would otherwise have been thrown away.  Some have special meaning, like prayer leaves from China.  Plus, the company is super supportive of their artisans, providing higher than fair trade wages and giving back to each community in the ways they most need, from water treatment to getting books for kids, as part of their Full Circle program.  One artisan in Mexico, Cece, became the first woman in her family to be able to afford land after working with CBA.

I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of the brand’s signature “skinny” bracelets, made from the ends of fabric rolls that would have otherwise been thrown away.  They’re resin bangles that are totally made for stacking, and are super comfy and light.   They come in countless colors and prints, but I chose leopard, obviously.  

Click below for some of my other picks from the collection:




The brand is sold by individual stylists.  Want to snag some of these fab pieces for yourself?  My pal Andrea’s online boutique is having a major sale through January 31.  Half of her inventory is 25% off!  

Shop her boutique and learn more here.

For more deets on this cool and kind brand, check out their YouTube channel.

Happy shopping, happy holidays, and here’s to supporting women everywhere.


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